Coming March 2025

Discover a heartwarming story of love and family in 'The Cozy Cozy Cardigan.' Follow a kind little boy and his hard-working mother as they navigate goodbyes and emotions related to separation anxiety; with the help of a cardigan woven with love. This touching tale is perfect for parents who travel often, are deployed, or simply have to leave reluctantly, and for the children they love dearly.

The Cozy Cozy Cardigan: Threads Of Love, Distance and Goodbyes

"The Cozy Cozy Cardigan is a touching story of a mother's love for her child. This book is a must-read for anyone who has experienced the pain of being separated from their loved ones. It is a heartwarming reminder of the power of love and how it can keep us connected even when we are apart."- Midwest Book Review

Listen To My Guest Episode On "Reading With Your Kids Podcast"

I talk about The Cozy Cozy Cardigan, spill the beans on new projects, writing process and motivation behind the book!

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A Promise I Made

"A Promise I Made" unveils a heartfelt pledge from a parent to a child, a promise that becomes a guiding light through life's adventures. This tender vow serves as a constant reminder of the unbreakable bond between them.

These Hands

"These Hands" is a heartfelt reminder that every meal is a chance to create cherished memories and strengthen the bonds of family. Perfect for children aged 3-8, this book is an excellent addition to any family's library. It's not only a delightful story to read together but also an opportunity to inspire young chefs to embark on their culinary adventures.

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“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.”

view of floating open book from stacked books in library
view of floating open book from stacked books in library

- Mason Cooley